Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cisco Unified Communication Manager 7.0 on VMware

I happen to get hands on CUCM7.0 and installed on VMWare

I have Computer (desktop) with following configrations
1. Pentium 4 2.8 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo.
2. 3.0 GB DDR2 RAM
3. 500 GB SATA HDD with 7500 RPM
4 1 Realtek Fast Ethernet Card
5. XP SP2
6. VMware Sever 1.0.6

VMWare Configuration
1. 1 GB of RAM
2. 80 GB of HDD with files splited into 2GB files Size (helps in Memory management)
3. Ethernet Card into Brigde mode with Network Subnet as Same as the HOST machine.

Here is video which show how you can do it too

Installing CUCM Publisher in VMware

Hope this helps
Happy labbing


  1. Hi Chikkis,

    Need some help from you if you can.
    My setup is done. I can ping from the vmware cucm to my host machine. But I want that my vmware cucm should talk to a machine on another subnet even.
    My host machine has 2 nic cards one wireless and other wired. I have the cucm gateway as the wired nic. But I want to access the cucm from the wireless nic even. The problem I faced was that I was not able to ping the cucm from my other pc on the wireless network. Do you know a way by which this can be done.
    Awaiting your reply.

  2. Hi Bunty,
    If you want you can team your card on you host machine and then use that for bridge on Vmware.

    Now if you have Another Subnet the you will need to add a route on your host mahine to access the other machine network. you can do this on command line.


  3. hello Guys,

    I am sure this will help many of you.I had problem with installing CUCM 7.0 on my desktop I had this problem for weeks until i contacted my friend Chikkis who gave me the solution.
    Remember It will give you a problem if your machine is runing on AMD prossesor it has to be Intel as cisco does not support AMD at the present time. The solution is to Install CUCM on an Intel machine it could be your friends pc or work pc then copy the vmware files into a CD or External harddisk. Then copy all the files back to your AMD machine and run it. IT should work

    If you have problem ping Chikkis his the expert.



  4. Hi
    CUCM installation with AMD processor Error .

    Please Note: "Cisco does not support AMD porcessor for all the Uinfied communication products"

    If you have a ADM processor. you will recv the error which is showen in link.

    however, you can run VM Image of the all UC porducts on AMD machine.

    1.Install the UC product on the Intel machine.
    2. Copy the folder of the VM image to ADM machine.
    3. Open the VM Image in VMware.
    4. Run the Image.

    Hope this helps
    Happy Labbing :)

  5. Hi Chikkis,

    I have been able to install CUCM7 from the chi-cucm70.iso which is fine. When I try the Unity Connections it installs fine but I get a error saying that the demo licenses have expired. Is there any way to overcome this?
    Many thanks
